jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

How to motivate your students?

♥Show students your expectation on them
♥Make students understand the aim & nature of the course
♥Use different teaching methods
♥Be learning-oriented rather than goal/mark-oriented
♥Give constructive comments rather than demeaning ones
♥Give feedback to students’ performance as soon as possible
Provide one-to-one assistance

There are many ways to motivate students to learn and participate in the classroom leading to increased student success. these ways are:
Be Excited:
The more excited you are about something, the more excited your students will be. If you find the topic you are teaching boring, so will your students, so find creative ways to teach the most boring lessons.

♦Teach Teamwork
Have activities that your students can work on together. Group your students for simple projects such as finding a current event to share every week.

♥Teach Problem Solving Skills
Teaching your students to solve problems will allow them to be naturally interested in what they are learning. Providing opportunities for students to make mistakes and figure out how to accomplish a goal will make school more interesting, and thus motivate them to try.

1 comentario:

  1. In general i think the most important part of this blog, it is this step i believe as teacher is the motivation, the pricipal step to have a good class.
    If the teacher use this tool to engage students in the process of their learning, the class will be productive, funny and the students will be ready for the next class to learn.
    Jonathan Montaña
